
September 17, 2023

Relight your inner fires with a weekly group healing session, commencing on Monday September 18th at 8.30pm Irish time. The first week will kick off with a deep healing with Archangel Raphael and other healing angels. You may book it on my website under the “Book a session” tab. Thank you- Therese

This is a prayer that I once wrote to Archangel Raphael, that you may also like to use :

My dear sweet Angel Raphael I ask you to shine your ray of healing emerald light on my mortal body right now. Please comfort my mind, my emotions and my body so that I may feel my inner joy, health and loving presence. Please bathe me in your healing light and guide me to drink from the fountain of happiness and health. Touch my thoughts and bathe my mind with the softness of your healing love. Soothe my aching mortal body with the warmth of your emerald green light. Illuminate the darkness within me so that I may experience the joy of living freely. Shine your light on my path as you guide me to my truth and my purpose. Please remind me frequently of your gentle loving presence. Thank you sweet Angel Raphael for hearing my prayer right now. 💚💚