It brings me great pleasure to work with the energy of angels to help you release your struggles and heavier energies that weigh you down. Archangel Michael is one of the mighty Angels that I work with and he has stepped forth again asking me to bring his energy to you so that you may heal and live a life filled with love, joy and peace. Presently there is much darkness showing itself in our world but the light of the angels is shining through to help us raise our vibrational frequency and evolve into a higher state of being. The darkness is being transmuted and the earth is evolving. Archangel Michael has shown me his blue light and offered me his blue cloak, once again to share with you all.
A prayer to Archangel Michael by Therese Mc Auliffe
On this day, Beloved Archangel Michael, I ask for your assistance in protecting my energy field with your magnificient light.
Please protect me from all lower energies throughout this day. Shield me from the energies of fear and destruction.
Cleanse my mind, my emotions and my body with your healing light, so that I may connect fully with the divinity within me. Fill me with faith, love and hope, so that I may walk in my power and also emanate my light to all those I meet today.
Thank you for assisting me now as you protect me with your shield of blue light, releasing all lower entities, clearing away all that no longer serves me well. Thank you, Beloved Archangel Michael, for showing me how to embody the highest vibrations of love, joy and peace. Thank you for the feeling of safety and protection. Thank you for helping me to align with your power of protection, light and love.
Thank you for blessing me with your love on this day. Thank you for always being by my side.
Therese Mc Auliffe
I will invoke the energy of Archangel Michael and other angels during the Relight Your Fire session on both October 24th and 31st. So if you want to join me please click the link and book your place. thank you.